Saturday, June 03, 2006

Name our Cat!

If you read the previous post, you know I'm not big on birthin babies, but I do like cats (and since they won't live longer than me -- with any luck -- I don't have to concern myself with the state of the planet before taking one in. Anyway, here are a couple photos of our new one. We're not sure what to call her. So far, we've come up with:

Maggie (cause she reminds us of my cousin, Maggie, when she was little)
Halle Berry (cause she's half white and half black)

Any suggestions?


KitchenGirl said...


(Although Cafe Con Leche is a good runner-up, with "Leche" as her easier-to-pronounce nickname)

Anonymous said...

Playing on the black/white theme:

In Hawaii mixed race peeps is called: "Hapa" - for 'half "......
that sounds like a good kitty name.

Or you could call her "Creola" ?

Some friends named their black/whire cat "Xerox" -
but she'd end up being "Roxie".

Or, last one... it's a stretch... picture of those little black & white
saddle shoes that school girls wear - and then name her: "Lolita"

Anonymous said...

I'm probably too late here, but I go for Tao.