If you read the previous post, you know I'm not big on birthin babies, but I do like cats (and since they won't live longer than me -- with any luck -- I don't have to concern myself with the state of the planet before taking one in. Anyway, here are a couple photos of our new one. We're not sure what to call her. So far, we've come up with:
Maggie (cause she reminds us of my cousin, Maggie, when she was little)
Halle Berry (cause she's half white and half black)
Any suggestions?
(Although Cafe Con Leche is a good runner-up, with "Leche" as her easier-to-pronounce nickname)
Playing on the black/white theme:
In Hawaii mixed race peeps is called: "Hapa" - for 'half "......
that sounds like a good kitty name.
Or you could call her "Creola" ?
Some friends named their black/whire cat "Xerox" -
but she'd end up being "Roxie".
Or, last one... it's a stretch... picture of those little black & white
saddle shoes that school girls wear - and then name her: "Lolita"
I'm probably too late here, but I go for Tao.
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